Summary Of How Stupid Is Google Making Us Handicapped

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Has the Overuse of Search Engines Made Us Handicapped? “Has the Overuse of Search Engines Made Us Handicapped?” Or are we voluntarily doing this to ourselves? If the answer lies with us, this could be a serious problem. Who wants to voluntarily destroy their own brain? Looking at the article, “How Stupid Is Google Making Us” Badke, William talks about “the longer we work online, the less tolerance we have for concentration and contemplation” Carr Nicholas and his research could be true, but my thought is does this effect only some individuals, or all? Technology is a big source of communication, and people are using it worldwide, this is a serious problem if it is destroying individual’s brains this is something that needs to be addressed. …show more content…

In Badke’s article “Meet Your iBrain,” “(Scientific American Mind),” he talks about Gary Small and Gigi Vorgan individuals who were involved in a research report which measured brain function while working on the internet. Using different functions showed how some of the same brains showed drastic difference as well as functioned differently when reading a book versus working on the Internet. Badke acknowledged the evidence showed that people who digitally processed data are using short term memory. He still did not believe that Google is making us stupid parse, by saying it’s a different version of stupidity, and this is not it. Badke says stupidity can be seen by someone less fortunate with a brain capacity only reaching a certain level that abruptly stops but, out of their personal control. He also mentions about how the word stupid could be used to refer to a smart individual who’s not using the knowledge they withhold, and instead the individual may be acting in a lazy manner, and using the knowledge they withhold for the wrong …show more content…

Truitt Marc talks about the air is full of people that’s saying everyone use some kind of device it doesn’t matter where there are going they are using something a cell phone a tablet a computer or something in saying no one is alone anymore the world is with us it does not matter where we go. Bryan Alexander disagrees to a certain instinct he feel that the internet has made him a little more intelligence and trying to prove his point looking how different people view on the research for their self and just don’t run with everything they here without investigating it find out if it is true before believing what people say. Ryan Watkins feels that the internet and Google are making us dumber, therefore not smarter because students do not go that extra mile to improve their work or paper, but rather quick to run to the internet to find what they need instead of going to the library and getting what they need and not using their brain for deep thinking anymore but trying to find all of the short cuts to benefit them and how they are quickly to skim through the internet instead of using the knowledge they have and putting it to good

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