Summary Of House Taken Over By Julio Cortazar

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The Story “House Taken Over” by Julio Cortazar, depicts an atmosphere of fear by leaving out major details and also creating a personal fear/connection to readers. Details such as the description or even the name of whatever is inside of the house can put the reader’s mind into a conclusional fit making the reader make their own predictions about what is inside the house and how it ties in on the fear of any reader. Firstly the Reasoning for this is because when Cortazar writes about how the Characters in the story are terrified enough to close off half of the house but don’t even discuss what it is they are scared of. “I hurled myself against the door before it was too late and shut it, leaned on it with the weight of my body; luckily, the key was on our side; moreover, I ran the great bolt into place, just to be safe.” (Cortazar 39)This …show more content…

Secondly is that the atmosphere of the story starts off so very mild and almost peaceful, “We liked the house because it kept the memories of great-grandparents, our paternal grandfather, our parents and the whole of childhood.” (Cortazar 37) that when the characters are scared enough to lock off parts of the the house and then eventually leave it behind it seem that whatever is there is completely horrible. “We didn’t wait to look at one another. I took Irene’s arm and forced her to run with me to the wrought-iron door, not wanting to look back.” (Cortazar 41) As the characters in the story explained that they were pretty rich themselves, it leaves a big hole for how something that no one knows about have ever seen can make it that much more terrifying. Third, while most of the details of the story are very well played out, the thing centered around the fear of the homeowners is completely left out, this would imply to make a reader think of there own fear and place that inside of the place of ‘They.’ “I had to shut the door to the

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