Summary Of Gun Control By Ali Elkin

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Ali Elkin writes in her article, “the Problem With Using Chicago to Make the Case Against Gun Control, “Chicago's high rates of gun violence have been well-documented. In 2014, there were 2,587 shooting victims in the city, according to the Chicago Tribune. The New York City Police Department recorded 1,381 victims in the same time period, and New York has around three times as many people as the Windy City.” It is obvious that Illinois has gone wrong somewhere with their gun laws because guns are not easily accessible. Elkin says that a lot of guns are accessed from outside the state. In fact, 60 percent of recovered guns from arrests were from out of state and twenty-four percent of all guns were from Indiana. This shows that people, especially …show more content…

In Elkin’s article, Richard Pearson says, “The gun laws in Chicago only restrict the law-abiding citizens and they’ve essentially made the citizens prey.” Unprotected citizens are essentially targets. John Lott says in his book More Guns Less Crime: Understanding Gun Control Laws, “One additional woman carrying a concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for women by about 3-4 times more than one additional man carrying a concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for men.” Men are able to defend themselves without a weapon more than women are. If guns were more accessible, than perhaps crime against women would go down and enhance safety for women and self-protection in …show more content…

This is especially true with Chicago’s large amounts of traffic that slow down police. Riddell talks about an older man who witnessed an armed robbery suspect running from the Chicago police. Due to the man having a concealed carry permit, he stopped the suspect so the police could get him. This is a prime example of how concealed carry is lowering crime. Some people say that if there are less gun laws then psychopaths and people under the influence will get guns. Although this is true, if more people have concealed carry there will be someone to stop that type of people. Elkin quotes from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, “ ‘In many of the places around this country where they have the toughest gun laws, they have the highest violent crime rates. … Violence in America that's happened on our streets in our cities, like Chicago, up 19 percent, the murder rate," Christie said. "And you have some of the most aggressive gun laws in cities like that.’” Criminals know the places that they can attack successfully. Places like schools, movie theaters, and not to mention all the museums around the city are the perfect because the citizens are not armed and able to defend themselves; therefore, crime rates continue to skyrocket. If guns were more accessible, crime would go

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