Summary Of Grace Period By Will Baker

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Grace Period, by Will Baker is not about any disaster, incident, or event in particular. The described observations, such as brief fluctuations in the universe itself, bizarre behaviours in animals, a man concerned for his blood pressure, and busy signals on every phone line, are all too messy, too broad, and too inconstant within the story to point to a specific event. While some readers who’ve been impacted by a significant event and had their life turned unexpectedly might pull pieces of this work and relate them to their own experiences, this story doesn’t need an event or conclusive ending for readers to unearth its deeper meaning. This grace period is an extended metaphor for the beauty and insignificance of human life.

This work shows that humans, at their core, are primitive and simple. They take in their environment, but never go as far as to deduce and understand the situations they are in. Because of this, humans find themselves - all of a sudden - lost in the uncanny valley, and the ancient flight or fight response takes off. This is good. This keeps species alive. But when under such pressure that the response is activated, all prior learning and training for disaster leaves. Humans are flawed. …show more content…

But a human life can burn out and fade, while the world continues to turn. No universe is pulsing to combat a dying soul, because in the end, one life is unimportant. The contributions of that life maybe appreciated, but will not matter in a few quick years. Humankind live in a grace

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