Summary Of George Gatto's Knowledge Is Power?

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Knowledge is power, and Gatto knows that a formal education is not the only path to knowledge. Throughout his passage he had cited that many of the schools he worked at had issues. Weather they be the simple nature of boredom that he found in ever institute he went to, this is often bred by the instructors themselves feeling bored and uninterested by what they teach and the teachers too were inflicted the same ordeal the students are going through. The morning to afternoon classes, five days a week, 180 days a year. He has felt this himself and it is hard to disagree with someone with his background or at least sympathize with what he is saying. I do sympathize with what he is saying, but the way he supported his arguments was not something that convinced me but rather take his point of view with a grain of salt. When he used examples of responses from students and their opinions of the matter along with generalizations, certain evidence, and questions which seemed a bit straight foreword caused me to be a bit critical of what he was saying. …show more content…

Like when tabloids print in big letters that someone said something sensational, it is difficult to take it seriously. At my school, there are various classes and levels of classes to meet different skill sets of students and what they say "work was stupid" it can mean that it was just busy work and pointless or something so difficult or easy it was just stupid to them. When taking a standardized Spanish test once and it made no sense due to vocabulary not being covered in class or instructed to read on appeared I had a similar sentiment or when a classmate who just woke up from a nap says the same thing would be difficult to take seriously and I am not saying that the author did , just that a more in depth conversation may have went farther towards being something I can understand and help me see through his

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