Summary Of Emily Dickinson's Suicide By Chris Semansky

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This article by Chris Semansky begins by praising Emily Dickinson’s talent of writing intriguing poems about herself. Semanky, argues that this poem expresses Dickinson’s independence ,and her fear of succumbing to rules of the world. Semansky unconventionally argues that this poem is a statement that Dickinson, was trying to make about the dangers of marriage for independent woman. “Death” personified as a kind suitor takes his busy wife. Semanky takes this poem and puts it into perspective of 19th century life. It was a different time, where a woman’s place was beside her husband. Instead of the women recounting a peaceful death, Semansky argues that the woman was actually describing her seduction as a young woman into death. …show more content…

Semansky argues that Dickinson used personification so that the reader could connect or understand an alien topic. The alien topic at the time was marriage. Aside from woman, men didn’t realize the hardships that women had to face silently from marriage. The beginning of the poem reveals the language and rituals of courtship. As custom a chaperone was needed “immortality” and was used as a symbol to personify the consequence of them coming together. The slow ride was to emphasize the impending engagement date. This doesn’t seem to bother the speaker. The speaker is revealed to have put away all her “labors” and “leisure’s”. The action derails the male driven system of courtship. By putting away all her responsibilities the speaker had a strong trust on the suitor. In the next stanza the women passes a schoolyard, farmland, and a “setting” sun. All of these images represent a phase the speaker has gone through. The speaker is dead. Time has stopped for her. For example, the fields of grain do the gazing, instead of her. The women’s marriage is slowly declining. The speaker begins to feel cold symbolizing the emotional coldness that happens to the body before

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