Summary Of Dualism

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Chapter 5, Transformed by Redemption, answers the question “What’s the remedy?” At the beginning of history, God announced his redemptive plan when He told Satan that through the womans offspring he will be vanquished. The offspring God was referring to was Jesus but the “offspring” also refers to the descendants of Adam and Eve who eventually led to Jesus. Although, Jesus is at the center of God’s redemptive plan he was not sent immediately after the Fall. Instead God prepared the world before he sent his Son. In order to understand what the climatic covenant was, the authors show us two covenants in the Old Testament. Let’s begin with the covenant with Noah. God saw how disobedient his creation was thus judgement came with the Flood. But …show more content…

If the biblical world view is unique, then why do we not stand out from the crown to make a difference in this world? Are we to embarrassed to share our faith to the world? According to our authors, dualism was the problem. Dualism is defined as, “ a split division world view. It separates reality into two fundamentally distinct categories: holy and profane and sacred and secular”(pg.95). The authors point out how the church is seen as sacred while the rest of life is secular and when people begin to think of sacred/secular dualism they want to make the gospel relevant to the rest of society. For example, people want the church must be made relevant to other institutions like the schools or governments. However, there are still two different institutions that do not relate. Picturing the electrivcal cords, each wire can either go positive or negative but not both just how we can either be obedient to God’s laws or disobedient. However, dualism cofused structure and direction. Someone who has a dualistic view tends to assume that life has two distinct realms. Many have the dualistic view in where they split two relas, one more important than the other, and one more pleasing to God than the other. The problem is, that many of us as Christian do not engage in our daily tasks …show more content…

Through time, humans have had many idols but the Transforming Vision talks about 3 in particular. First is Scientism: Legs of Iron which is compared to Nebuchadnezzar’s statue in Daniel 2. This statue was made of many materials ike gold, silver, bronze etc. Scientism has been something humans through history have put their trust on. It is no longer disobedience agaisnt God but ignorance and lack of knowledge. Secondly, is Technicism: The Bronze of Power compared once again to Nebuchadnezzars statue. Through history techonology has improved and humans have worked diligently to improve life on earth through scientific control of the environment. Science and tenchnology have become something that takes God’s place and we have allowed it to elevated into idols. The third section of the statue (chest and arms of silver) is compared to Technicism: The Silver of Profit. It represents the second part of Technicism which is the profit to which modern technology has turned. Finally the golden head of the statue symbolozes Economism. These 3 gods that we have created, have taken over our modern age. Humans have trusted science, technology, and economy and have placed these things in God’s place. Although sometimes this idol fail us we revered to them because it promised to make our life better. Take for example, the god of technicism who promised freedom and commodities has caused industrial pollution, and treaths of nuclear

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