Summary Of Dreamland By Sam Quinones

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If we as people, knew about the history and trauma dealt with prescription drugs and the doctors we trust to prescribe them, would we continue to use them? Sam Quinones, the author of Dreamland, tells a remarkable story on how prescription drugs can become addictive, the consequences of it, and how the families have to deal with their loved ones addiction. He also spoke about the issues with drug trafficking and doctors/pharmacist prescribing pills can lead to addiction. The sole purpose for this book was to show how the addiction of pain killers can lead to the addiction of illicit drug and question doctors on why they continue to prescribe these medications knowing what it could lead too. Painkillers are addictive because …show more content…

When the Xalisco boys from Mexica arrived to America they knew that Heroin was the thing to sell due to addiction. They left Mexico to escape poverty, create a better life for themselves and found an easy way to make a lot of money. But when doctors prescribe pain killers, they are gaining a drug addicted client and profiting off it as well. Not to mention the amount of money the prescription drug consumers and pharmacist began to profit. The government tried to stop the abuse of prescription drugs by setting rules and regulations for lazy doctors who wanted their patients in and out their office and money hungry drug companies that were more interested in making a profit than actually helping people. This just made things worse as people began to look for a cheaper and more efficient high, which is how they turned to the streets. In my opinion, I believed Quinones wanted to show how doctors exploit consumer’s addictions and that they are just as guilty as the drug dealers who sell street drugs. Doctors prescribed pills for just about anything and even when the epidemic of abusing drugs such as OxyContin started to spread they started to use other pain killers to ‘fix the problem of …show more content…

He used statics on the deaths caused by different illicit drugs and the people who were causing the problem of drug addiction. Quinones did an excellent job on providing information to the reader on how consumers can addicted and why. He provided the information in a way that utilized the fact that the government and doctors were the blame of the addiction of drugs. But I disagree on his opinion on how to keep people away from prescription or street drugs. He claims that as a community we should create a ‘Dreamland’ for our children and push people to do better. Quinones used this book to educate people of the harmful effects of prescriptions drugs but that doesn’t mean everyone is going to listen to his opinion. People are going to continue to raise their children however they feel is best. As he has stated in his book, drug addiction doesn’t just live in poverty but upper class neighborhoods as well. He also contradicted himself stating that heroin may be a positive change that we as Americans need in order to bring out families together. A family or friend getting addicted drugs, should not be the solution we use in order to show appreciation or spend time with one another. Overall, the book opened my eyes on the medical marketing and how people suffer from the addiction to prescription drugs. The book Dreamland has giving America a wakeup

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