Summary Of Do Fact Checks Matter By Danielle Kurtzleben

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Correspondingly, in “Do Fact Checks Matter” by Danielle Kurtzleben she establishes that Americans ignore facts and believe in falsehoods especially coming from a politicians on their side. This source agrees with both “Why We Believe Alternative Facts” By Kirsten Weir and “Two Stories, One America: How Political Narratives Shape Our Understanding of Reality” By Stephen Hawkins and Tommy Flint. All four of the authors demonstrate how people will disregard proven facts if the facts do not compliment their beliefs. Kurtzleben focuses on how fact checking is not effective in this day and age because people simply ignore facts and the backfire effect comes into play. The backfire effect is when people hear facts opposing their beliefs and instead of the fact changing their mind it actually makes them dig in their heels and defend what they believe even more. Weir informs that even the most educated people hide behind confirmation bias or as she puts it motivated reasoning. Hawkins and Flint show that people ignore facts just to go along with their ideologies instead of keeping their personal …show more content…

Specifically, she concentrates on the politics and the most recent presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Kurtzleben claims that politicians will continue to verbalizing falsehoods as long as the people keep believing them. This is why fact checking is important. One of the reasons fact checking is not effective is because of the backfire effect. When people hear facts that do not agree with their beliefs they simply dig their heels in and believe in their opinion even more than before. She also reiterates that the fact checking only works in a certain few cases but that does not mean it is failing. One example of fact checking being successful is when it helps push politicians into the right, truthful,

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