Summary Of Bent Like A Bow By Nature By Hilary Ann Brown

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Hilary Ann Brown wrote “Bent Like a Bow by Nature: A Mother/Daughter bond (2011), an article about the importance of nature. Brown tells the story of her and her mother growing up throughout life, skipping rocks on Lake Ontario, immersed in nature. From childhood, through adulthood, and into an elderly state, nature is important in the development of person growth. It is important to introduce your children into nature. “Empathy between the child and the natural world should be a main objective for children aged four through seven” (Brown, 2011, p.33). Brown’s mother took her to Lake Ontario, and watched as she skipped rocks, walked nature trails, encouraging her to find her own personal connection with mother earth. “two people brought together through birth deepened their relationship through nature” (Brown, 2011, p.29). Brown’s mother certainly helped her daughter find a deep connection with nature, and made memories to last a lifetime.
As an adult articulating their own ecosophy is a personal journey. Ecosophy involves questioning our “basic values and lifestyle and reflects on our fundamental relationship with nature, and who we are” …show more content…

Brown’s mother is currently in a nursing home. Brown walks the same beach on Lake Ontario, looking for the perfect skipping stone. Remembering all the wonderful times they shared. After finding the perfect stone, she continues to walk the beach, walking towards the nursing home, her mother now lives in. Finally reaching her mother, hands her the stone. Brown’s mother smiles and no doubt remembers all the memories they shared, on Lake Ontario. Since her mother taught her from an early age to walk with nature, now she is able to “bring this essence home to her” mother “ so that she can be comforted during her late elder hood” (Brown, 2011, p.36). Certainly her mother was happy to have nature brought to her, indoors, for she no longer was able to go out and enjoy it

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