Summary Of Attaboy By David Sedaris

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On page 18 of "Attaboy" the author describes the ice milk as ,"vanilla flavor and the color of pus. It had been frozen for so long that I, as a child, was made to feel old." No one can hear an ice cream described like this and not cringe a little. On the next page, when Tommy is eating this pus- colored, frozen treat that was portrayed in such a negative light by the author, it caused me to suffer nausea. I believe that the only true way to tell if the author did a good job of illustrating a gross object is when the reader cringes just by reading about it. Another great example of David Sedaris's vivid details in this story would be on page 13. He depicts a toddler as being "volcanic" and when I read that i just had to laugh. I've never heard

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