Summary: I Affirm The Code Lions

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Max Bonte Informative Paper

“I affirm the code Lions


Have you ever decided to go to one specific zoo just because you totally loved one formidable animal in that zoo? Well, that’s what happened to me when I went to a zoo. I saw this lion and totally loved it. When they’re born they mark their territory by urinating on it. When they get a bit bigger they learn from their parent how to hunt by watching them do it. They also learn how to communicate with their parents when they misbehave they receive a slap from their parents. Some lions are lucky by being left in the wild and some are obliged to go in zoos and being in confinement. When they’re born they eat small things but when they grow up they can even kill and …show more content…

The male lions cover the group’s lion that is equal to 100 square miles. Lions can also mark their land by roaring really loudly to scare away other animals that go on their land. These beasts are found in America, Africa and Europe. They are not found in Oceania, Antarctica and Asia.

Lions have two ways to go and eat other animals. They do it by first watching the animal they want to eat. Then they follow it until the lion starts running really fast at one point and catches the animal. The second way is they wait somewhere where the animal usually stays for example near the water or in a bush and when the animal goes there the lion jumps on it and eats him.

Lions talk with each other to keep friends. Mostly male tell someone in their group that’s-sp is being bad to stop by giving them a gentle slap or by giving them a very easy bite. They can also communicate with their babies by showing them how to hunt and fight. They can also communicate by doing loud noises or soft noises when they’re happy. Why is this paragraph not together?

When they hunt they communicate by always looking at each other and looking at the prey at the same time and when they’re about to kill the prey they kill it …show more content…

Lions should not be in zoos because they don’t have enough space to live. To give you an idea of how much space they have, their space in a zoo is 18,00 times smaller than the wild. Even though zookeepers incessantly hear complaints that people make about lion’s space in a zoo, zookeepers are averting these complaints. Lions should stay out of zoos because they die really young in zoos. They live 3 times longer in the wild. Facts are not in a great order -.5

Lions can almost devour all the animals they see. The average weight of the animals they eat is 50-300 kg. Lions eat by killing the prey themselves or they eat the prey someone in their pride kills. The females do almost all of the hunting. To eat a prey larger than them, lions bite down on their throat or strangle them and to kill a smaller animal than them they bite their head or hit’s-sp them hard with their paw.

The females are the ones that do almost all the work in the pride. The females in the pride generally hunt together. It is good for them to hunt in groups because generally their prey is faster than them. Little don’t hunt with the pride until they’re 1 year old. The older ones hunt sometimes all by themselves and steal the food of another animal when they have the chance. This was already completed for a homewrok assignment. This should be a completely original paper.

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