Summary And Response Essay: Keep Improving

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Summary and Response Essay: Keep Improving Before I started my first draft, I felt that summary and response essay should be short. Nonetheless, we were asked to write at least an eight hundred word essay, which really frightened me at the first. Actually, this assignment seems to be easy in my initial expectation, for we have learned it in ESL class last semester. Later on, however, I figured out that I will be left standing in the same spot forever if I just satisfied with my current writing level and do not make an improvement. Thus, I decided to learn and employ some strategies to improve the aesthetic perception and the quality of my essay. Since then, I have collected native and beautiful expressions once I encountered and immediately applied them to substitute some bad phrases in my essay. More importantly, referring to the Thesaurus is also a good way to flexibly replace some inappropriate words. To my surprise, after carefully modifying, the …show more content…

Also, the article assigned to us was not logical, and its opinions were vague which was difficult to analyze. Nevertheless, what confused me was exactly what I needed to learn. As Pablo Picasso says, “I'm always doing which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.” Thus, I decided to learn more analysis strategies via exploiting online resources. With the help of online guidance as well as models of the rhetorical essay, delightedly, I eventually mastered those strategies to analyze the article deeply. Consequently, the essay was perfectly done. An indescribable fulfillment comforted all of what I had complained about before. Undoubtedly, autonomous learning is an important method for the college student to learn new things, which also usually have a deeper impression on us not only in the current but also in the future.
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