Summary And Analysis Of The Modern Family

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The Modern Family

Summary & Analysis
I chose to do my analysis on a show called Modern Family. I chose this show because it has an interesting family dynamic, there is a gay couple with an adopted young daughter, an older gentleman who’s married to a young Hispanic woman who has a son from a previous marriage, and another son with her current husband. Lastly, a Caucasian heterosexual married couple with three children; A son, and two daughters. This show portrays different family structure in a humorous light. All three families are connected, Jay who is the older Caucasian gentleman is the father of Mitchell who is in a homosexual marriage with Cameron. Jay is also the father of Claire who is married to Phil.
Gloria who is Jays’ wife, has …show more content…

Most of the parent-child interaction Lily engages in is with Cameron. When I analyze Cameron’s parenting approach, he seems to have a balance of agency/communion. Cameron enjoys dressing Lily in pink tutus and taking her to ballet classes. It’s as if he is living through Lily’s childhood, because he was not given the opportunity to express his identity growing up as a young boy in a conventional household. I sympathize with Cameron because, he had to suppress his true identity of being gay, and he had to be what society and his family wanted him to be. He didn’t have the choice to play with Barbie dolls, take ballet classes, and to overall express his …show more content…

Visuals bring the lesson or concept into life. Watching a parent-child interaction vs. reading about it, gives the audience two complete experiences, with visuals you see the lesson being demonstrated. Whether it may be a video, graph, play, etc. Whereas, when you read from a text book or a PowerPoint, you are only relying on the words, and you have to be creative and you have to use your imagination to understand the text. I came across an article, done by Ghazi University, which discusses how visual aids impact students across the spectrum. Regardless of their age, gender, race, and

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