Summary And Analysis: Israel, The State Of Israel

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Israel, officially known as the State of Israel, is located in Western Asia, on the southeastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, sharing its borders with Lebanon in the north, Jordan in the East, Egypt in the South, and Palestinian territories in the West. In its Basic Laws, Israel’s constitutional law, Israel defines itself as a Jewish and Democratic State; it currently is the world’s only Jewish majority country. Since declaring its independence in 1948, Israel has been home to the majority of Jewish immigrants from all over the world. The country’s population consisted mainly of Jews (75%), Arabs (20%), and the rest immigrants from all over the world increased from 870,000 individuals in 1948 to over 7.9 million in 2012 (Haft 2013). Over the past decade, Israel’s population has continued to grow, at about a rate of 20% per year. The country’s financial center is Tel Aviv, while Jerusalem, Israel’s capital, is also the country’s most highly populated city; although, internationally Jerusalem is not considered to be a part of Israel.
The political system of Israel consists of a parliamentary system under a representative democracy, with proportional representation and universal suffrage. The Prime Minister serves at the top of the government and the Kneeset, a unicameral national legislature of Israel passes all the laws and elects future presidents and prime ministers for Israel. Israel is considered to be a highly developed country with the 43rd largest economy in the world by nominal GDP in 2012, has the highest standard of living in the Middle East, and is ranked as having one of the highest life expectancies in the world (Haft 2013).
As a representative democracy, Israel’s parliament consists of a nation-wide election, wher...

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...ture. Credit is given to the combination of its unique culture, high level of skill, and strong ambitious initiative; thus, creating an efficient flexible working system, allowing for quick adaptability and quick solutions to a changing market. Today, Israel’s minority communities are being more and more valued, with special government programs targeted at them, trying to further nurture the high levels of creativity and “technical talent” found within these particular groups. A place with highly educated workforces attracts companies, because it provides creativity and innovation to ignite companies’ potential. Israel contains one of the most highly educated workforces, having highest ratios in the world of university degrees and academic publication per capita, in the world, and many profitable innovations particularly in engineering come from Israel (Tepper 2013).

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