Suicide In The Military Research Paper

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Suicide in the Military
SGT Rios Aponte, Luis A.
NCOA EN ALC CLASS 12T03 004-15, Fort Leonard Wood
SGL: SSG Clapp, Jacob
17 July 2015

Suicide in the Military

It is not a surprise that in our rank there are many service members that at least once in their life they have this kinds of thoughts about hurting them self or even worse, to commit suicide. In recent years the Department of Defense has put a big emphasis and efforts in the fight against that real bad trend in our ranks. In fact all branches of the military services has programs in place that deal specific on suicide prevention. As members and leaders in the military service is our responsibility to know what sources, programs or systems are available for us to use in order to prevent more suicide to happen in our ranks.

According to Clifton’s news article, Suicide Rate in Military at Highest Level in Ten Years (Jun 8, 2012), during the first quarter of the year 2012, the military services were impacted with 154 suicides only on active duty members. 2012 was the worst year in terms of …show more content…

Yes, lack of discipline, because for me, most of the people that commit suicide also have a reason for living, but because their weakness, they only see suicide like their only option to get out they temporary problems. I personally understand that that human being may not see a solution to the situation they are having during those stress moment in their life, but is there where a discipline and a responsible person will step back for a moment and analyze the situation in order to stop all those thoughts that may escalate further and take over their

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