Sugar Test Essay

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Humans, bears, and trees all have one thing in common, they all have atoms and molecules. They also need the four elements of life to survive, Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. (CHON) An atom is the smallest part of an element that is still that element. A molecule is two or more atoms joined and acting as a unit. There are four different types of molecules, they are, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. One of the four molecules is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are made out of CHO. The main building blocks are sugars (saccharides). What carbohydrates do for us is they store fuel for our cells. They are fast energy. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples of single or simple sugar molecules or monosaccharide. Maltose, sucrose, and lactose are examples of two sugar molecules linked, also known as disaccharide. Starch, glycogen, and cellulose are examples of many sugar molecules linked. They are also called polysaccharide. If you wanted to test if there were carbohydrates in something you could do the sugar or the starch test. The sugar test is conducted like this: Step 1. Place a small amount of your sample in a test tube. Step 2. If the sample is not a liquid already, add a little The main building blocks of lipids are fatty acids and glycerin. The elements of lipids are the same as carbohydrates, CHO. What lipids are is stored energy. Even though carbohydrates and lipids are made up of the same elements, they are different. The difference is their structures. Some examples of lipids are fats and oils, saturated: animals, and unsaturated: plants. One of the test you could do to see if there is lipids in a food is the lipid test. This is how you do the lipid test. Step 1. Rub a small amount of sample on a square of brown paper bag. Step 2. Brush off excess food. Step 3. Let paper dry. Step 4. If lipids (fats) are present, a greasy or oily stain will show up when paper s dry and held up to the

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