Sudden Change In The Handmaid's Tale

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Her name is Offred, in the beginning, she doesn’t accept her room, nor her name, but Offred decided to assimilate into Gilead’s society. She declares her name is Offred forgetting her old name and accepts the Commander's house is now hers. We finally get a description of Offred she tells us, “I am thirty-three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five, seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I used to look like. I have viable ovaries. I have one more chance.“ Something had to bring about the sudden change in Offred, right? Yes, she recalls what Aunt Lydia told her about men being “ sex machines, and are easily manipulated. In return, she uses the situation to her advantage by playing Scrabble and giving the Commander kisses so she can get luxuries, such as Vogue magazines. Offred has a laughing fit. It is now spring time. Offred and the Commander have an arrangement and meet two/three nights a week. The two have set-up a signal, Nick the man …show more content…

A rope segregates the handmaids from everyone, and they must kneel on the cement floor while the Wives are seated. During the prayvaganza, Ofglen tells Offred that Janine’s baby Angela was deformed, a “unbaby”. After giving her what I assume is lingerie-like attire the Commander says he is taking her out. What the Commander proposes is dangerous, particularly for Offred. Still, she decides to go out with him knowing the risk she is taking. He takes her to a club where Jezebels are all the women dressed in feathers and bright colors. At the club, she spots Moira, who gives her a signal to follow her into the bathroom. The two catch up with Moira telling her how she escaped from the red center. After heading back to the house from the hotel Offred comes home and finds out Serena Joy arranges for Nick to have sex. Nick was unwelcoming toward Offred, but she continued to see him on her own with Serena Joy

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