Success Within Oneself: Judge Sonia Sotomayor

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Success Within Oneself To succeed you must have compassion for those around you. A trait believed by the first Hispanic women in supreme court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. Sonia, a Latina who grew up in poverty, overcame her obstacles through her loyalty and faith for others. Without the guidance of love, Sonia believed she would have not became who she is today. She grew up in poverty, with limited access to education. Though as she grew older, she was granted with the experience and perspective of what one gain, when using her potential for others. Which ultimately lead her to reach her goal, as a lawyer, then later as a judge in supreme court. My father uses his obligations to remind him as to what is, imperative to be successful. As a young adult, my father, the oldest in his large family had to take the role as caregiver. My father traveled to Los Angeles, and lived by himself without an ounce of understanding of English. He went to school while having to work low-wage jobs to help support himself and the rest of his family in Mexico. He recounted a story to me about when he was discriminated against. …show more content…

They searched them without any probable cause and would make them stay on the sidewalk until they left. When asked what, he would do if the police called him discriminatory names such as “wetback” or “greaser”, he responded with “simply nothing”. If he had done anything or showed any sort of revolt he would most likely get wrapped up in further problems. With this story, my father taught me that with remembering his responsibilities he could set a better future for his family. A story that I have valued, for its memento, of the struggle and fight my father had to

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