Subculture Theory Essay

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Today’s class discussion covered the Subculture Theories, which argues that urban, lower-class society have values and attitudes that contribute to violence and deviant behavior. This theory is divided into three sections: Delinquent Subculture, Differential Opportunity, and Other Subculture Theories. According to Albert Cohen, delinquent subculture is the most delinquent behavior, found in lower class younger males and it is the most frequent form of gang delinquency. Gang subculture is distinguish by non-utilitarian, malicious and negativistic behavior. This means, youngsters do not commit crimes to gain monetary value, rather to obtain respect by society or among their peers. Moreover, lower- working class teens look for social status …show more content…

Ones’ socio-economic environment serves to predetermine the possibility of achieving ones’ financial success through legitimate means, which are available to the middle and upper classes, or illegitimate means, which is the only choice for the lower class. For instance, if children grew up in a poor neighborhood, where there aren’t many available financial means to allow them to achieve their dreams the legal way, such as paid for college, health insurance, etc. So, as a way to make money, children in a poverty stricken area are more likely to commit criminal acts like stealing, selling drugs, prostitution, etc. Furthermore, the degree of integration in a community is a main factor for delinquent subculture. In lower class area, the degree of integration of business, politics and organized crimes, control the social organization in that community thus, creating three types of delinquent gang. The first type, the criminal gang, arise in areas where conventional as well as non-conventional values of behavior are integrated by ages as well as illegitimate and legitimate groups. Older criminals serve as role models to the youngsters and teach them the necessary criminal skills. The second type, the conflict gang, is unstable and non-integrated, where there is a lack of criminal organization causing instability. This gang display uncontrolled …show more content…

Consequently, for a lower-class society a delinquent behavior will be within the values and standards in that subgroup but not for the middle-class standards. These different values mean that members of this subculture have several concerns and things they want to achieve, these issues are called “focal concerns,” which can lead to customary behavior. These consist

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