Students Should be Able to Listen to Music in Study Halls

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Everyone loves to just sit down, pop some ear buds in, and just relax to some tunes. Music feels prodigious, sounds marvelous, and is just the ultimate cushion to have after a lengthy day of work or school. Inarguably, a majority people enjoy doing this. Most schools and other educational facilities prohibit listening to music during study halls. In fact, most schools forbid the use of any electronic device at any time during the day. Students should be able to listen to music in study halls because it relieves the mind of stress, allows students to concentrate, and improves social skills and cooperation.
Students in middle school and high school particularly tend to become very stressed due to the amount of schoolwork they receive. Often times, students have study hall on their schedule; but they have no work to do during that study hall. Possibly, they could have just come from a very stressful exam. Music gives students the opportunity to relieve themselves of the stress they build up. Studies have shown that music is soothing, and has a unique link to our emotions. It can be ...

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