Student Athlete Stereotypes

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The typical stereotypes of a student athlete go a little like this:

They are only in college to play sports, they don't focus on their grades, they're all on very large scholarships, and their confidence and egos are through the roof.

After hearing the images that people associate with student athletes, I've come to realize how much people don't know about athletics.

I have been athlete since I was 4 years old playing sports such as football, basketball, baseball, track, wrestling, and a failed attempt at tennis. However, I have never actually taken the time to understand what I learned from playing sports and how it has helped me grow as a person.

Dealing With Different People

In sports, you don't have a choice who you have on your team and who you practice with. So you learn to tolerate and work with different personalities. The reason: in sports you have to put your differences aside so the team can perform the best and win. A great example would be the movie Remember the Titans. Those athletes were very divided due to the segregation at the time and the combining of a white and black team. However, …show more content…

It is something that every athlete faces and sometimes it can be out of their control. However, what is in their control is how they respond.

What I noticed about athletes is that use their failure as insight on how they can better their performance. Athletes take their poor performance, figure out what they did wrong, and work to perfect it in practice. For athletes, failure is the guide to getting better.

Hard work and Perseverance

Almost all athletes know that success doesn't happen over night and it takes time and effort to achieve the best performance. They're plenty of phrases that athletes hear from coaches about hard work and dedication such as "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard" or "you get out, what you put

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