Student Athlete Research Paper

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Being a student athlete in high school takes commitment. It is hard work and dedication to both school and the sport you are participating in. If you plan on being an athlete at Imlay City high school you must focus on being a good student first or you won’t succeed. Coaches here know that being a student always comes first as they have told me so themself. As a student athlete, I have been influenced by sports. It has played a part with my career goals, and how I relate with my family.
Participating in high school sports has influenced me to manage my time better. Time management is very important when it comes to playing a sport in high school because in between school and practice you have to find time to do your homework. With that being said you have to maintain good grades to be able to play in a game. You must have a D or higher, if not then you won’t be able to play. Therefore, this influences me to keep my grades up and work extra hard on my school work. …show more content…

You have to think of what you will want to do with your life after sports. For most people that would be getting a job. Playing a sport didn’t influence me on my career goals but it has taught me many things about working hard to achieve your dreams. Just like when you work hard at practice to get playing time in a game you must work hard in college to get a job in the career field you choose. When playing a sport you make a commitment that you will show up to practices on time everyday. This will help with discipline in the future once I get a job because I know that I will have to be on time and show up for work

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