Structural Functionalism And Homelessness Essay

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From the data, it is able to clearly be concluded that within scenario 1 people with higher educations have lower rates of homelessness than the homelessness rates of subgroups below theirs. The consensus and conflict perspectives are two opposing perspectives on the functions of institutions and the causes of individual behaviors. The consensus perspective views society to be democratic and fair while the conflict perspective views society to be unfair and undemocratic. When society is viewed through the conflict perspective, the differences between people are attributed to different familial socialization and education, while through the consensus perspective differences are attributed to unequal access to opportunity and unfair advantages. If viewed through the conflict perspective, the structural arguments in particular explains that it is the opportunities in society for advancement …show more content…

From the data, it visible that those with higher educations are often homeless less than those with lower educations. For example, the poor aid in the guarantee of the status of others such as the working class who view themselves to be more successful when compared to the poor (Helsin 379). The same could be viewed for the non-homeless because they may be able to view themselves as better than their homeless peers, thus causing homelessness to serve as a function of society. Therefore, people are prevented from getting higher education and do not have the opportunity to purchase housing so they are therefore forced by society to be poorer which leads to homelessness. The homeless are present because we are unable to keep up with demand for housing and affordable jobs for people to be self-subsistent and afford the housing that they

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