Structural Analysis Of Luke

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Structural Analysis Outline I. Setting to the Scene Luke: 1a-2c A. Jesus enters Luke: 1a-1b 1. Jesus finished his sayings in the hearing of people Luke: 1a 2. Jesus enters Capernaum Luke: 1b Observation/ Problem: The Centurion Luke: 2a-2c 3. The Centurion owns a slave Luke: 2a 4. The slave is valued highly Luke: 2b 5. The slave was sick and dying Luke: 2c 2. Solution A. Jesus is needed Luke: 3a 1) Centurion asks for his help Luke: 4a 2) Centurion sends Jewish Elders and friends to ask Jesus Luke: 3a-4b II. Scene Proper – Two Messages From the Centurion to Jesus Luke: 3a-9e A. Jewish Elders’ Message & Response Luke: 3a-5b 1. Action: The centurion sends Jewish elders Luke: 3a-4b a. The Centurion heard about Jesus Luke: 3a b. The Centurion sends Jewish Elders Luke: 3b c. Jewish Elders respond and sincerely appeal to Jesus Luke: 4a 2. Introductory Formula: “Saying” Luke: 4b 3. Speech Proper Luke: 4c-5b a. “He is worthy of having you do this for him, Luke: 4c b. “for he love...

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