Strict Dress Codes

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Dress Codes for the Better Strict dress codes need to be put in many schools. Typically, schools have a general dress code that gives guidelines against clothing that is too revealing or that contains inappropriate language. With strict dress codes, students will be more uniformed. Instead of wasting their time picking out an outfit, students will get dressed quickly and go to school. Uniforms will also make every student equal and not separating them by wealth. Matured behavior will be shown by the students throughout the school. Plus, a student’s clothes will not serve as a distraction if everyone is professionally dressed. Strict dress codes will make education sophisticated to help students that get distracted easily. While some students are happy wearing old clothes, many students wake up in the morning and spend time looking for the perfect outfit. With uniforms, students do not need to worry about finding “clothes that are comfortable and look cool” (McCormick). Uniforms “decrease the number of outfits” to choose from (Palmer). This means that students will not waste time getting dressed and they will go to school faster. …show more content…

Public schools are charged with the “responsibility of educating students” and maintaining an effective and orderly environment conducive to learning (Geddis). Uniforms are capable of an orderly environment. Dress codes have been successfully used throughout the United States to promote school safety and also serve to enhance the learning environment of schools. Every parent would want their child to have a safe learning environment. Parents of children who attend schools with clear dress codes find relief in knowing that not only may clothing costs decrease, but their “child also will be in a safer learning environment” (Geddis). With uniforms, students in the school will act more matured and will not get distracted by

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