Strengths And Weaknesses Of Google

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Google is known as being the world’s best company for pioneering the search engine revolution and providing internet users around the world the ability to search and find information with the click of a mouse. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Brin and Page met in 1995 during a tour for students who were accepted into a PhD program at Stanford University (Rothaermel, 2015). The two found each other to be very obnoxious but spent a lot of time talking to each other and became inseparable friends. Page was working on a dissertation topic and realized that the number of quality of links to a website could be used as proxy for credibility of the website (Rothaermel, 2015). In the early 90’s there was no way to determine what sites …show more content…

Some of the strengths of Google’s search engine is that they are the market leader in search engines and the introduction of google market and android technology to mobile devices. Some weaknesses within Google is that the company is overly dependent on advertising, absence of compatibility with a lot of next generation technology platforms and secrecy. There are opportunities for Google with expansion with the android operating system, cloud storage, Google Glasses and Google Play. There are threats that Google could potentially face like mobile computing, competition with social media platforms such as Facebook and new entrants as well as existing entrants Bing and Yahoo. The Porter’s Five Forces strategy looks at mainly the external factors of Google. This strategy looks at the competition, entrants, suppliers and the customers and new entrants. Google has several competitors but they are the primary search engine of …show more content…

This company earns revenue from the billions of searches every day from internet users. Google is a strong standalone company that possess many strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. Google is the leading search engine company in the market but there are no barriers that can new entrants from entering. New entrants must create new algorithms as well as digital storage. There are substitutes for Google that are used based on the internet user preference like Yahoo, Bing and MSN. The weaknesses that are within Google is that they heavily advertise which is where the majority of the revenue comes from. The lack of compatibility with technology and secrecy. Google has kept the algorithm that is used to develop search queries based on relevance a secret. This is some that can be licensed and utilized to capitalize on additional revenue but it mainly gives Google the majority control of the internet. Opportunities for Google would be developing research to create driverless cars, licensing of android and developing cloud computing. The treats that are currently present within Google are potential mergers with Microsoft and Yahoo and Microsoft developing a rivalry against the company for the creations of Google docs. As of today Google remains the preferred search

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