Strengths And Disadvantages Of Introverts

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The first letter distinguishes between an introverts (I), who prefer not associating with other people, and extroverts (E), who feel invigorated by and prefer the contact of other people. Introverts often prefer an environment in which they are alone and in control of their space. Extroverts love interacting with an environment full of different people and ideas. Both introverts and extroverts view their happiness as dependent on the amount of people they associate with on a daily basis. Introverts’ and extroverts’ differences in their social interactions can lead to unfair judgements of each other as well as ineffective communication between one another.
The second letter in the diagram distinguishes between people prone for intuition (N) …show more content…

Known also as the Healer, Mediator or Idealist, the INFP is an emotional personality. INFPs have many strengths, with their loved ones and friends admiring and depending on them for their happiness and optimism. Their belief that every person can be good creates an incredibly adaptable attitude in the face of hard times. People with the INFP personality type have no interest in controlling other people in their life, and don’t care for authoritarian personas and attitudes. Instead, INFPs prefer a democratic and fair approach to choices, and work hard to ensure that every perspective is heard. INFPs apply their intuitive nature and open-mindedness to see things from unconventional perspectives. INFPs are not constricting with their lives, they live their life how they want; they can’t stand being constrained by rules and regulations. INFPs give support to others and, as long as their principles or ideas are not threatened, they will often support others in what they think is …show more content…

This is true on a personal and romantic level as well, as INFPs idealize their partners as well as idolizing them, forgetting no one is perfect. This often leads to INFPs having difficult romantic lives. INFPs’ are often considered too altruistic to be effective in life. INFPs sometimes have a tendency to believe themselves to be selfish, as they want to continue giving and giving to the point when they can no longer support themselves and reach a breaking point. This often creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as INFPs persist to a chosen cause or person and they forget to take care of the needs of others in their lives and

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