Strategies To Be Successful In College

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Although I have just started college I know what some of my strengths are and some areas of improvement. I have developed a good work ethic all thanks to the military, however I have been out of the school mentality for quite some time. I could schedule my classes to have more time in between classes. I have no problem asking questions or sitting in the front row of a classroom. I could create a plan to set my study schedule instead of taking time whenever available. I already write all over my textbooks and I write in my notes when I have a question or connection to the material. There are strategies to use in order to be successful in college and there are certain things to avoid doing to be successful in college.
One of these strategies is simply go to class and being engaged in that class. If you don’t go to class, you are taking the first step towards failure. You pay a lot of money to take these classes, so why not make the best of your money? However just sitting in class would not be enough, as Halstead writes that you need to be active in class. Ask questions if you have them you are not only helping …show more content…

Reviewing is a great way to test what you actually understand/know about the information. Regarding to Dr. Gurung’s article he states that quizzing yourself is not bad, it will help you to cement the information into your memory so that you do actually remember the information and don’t just data dump it all after a quiz or test in class (1). One can review with things as notecards with question they think would be on the quiz. They could also ask other students in the class to ask them questions that they had, or the questions you had on the notecards. There are also times where you can go to review sessions, or question and answer sessions that can be substantially beneficial to you. If you follow these steps or adapt your own from these, you can be successful not only in college but in

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