Strategic Solution of Next's Interest for Expansion

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Strategic Solution of Next's Interest for Expansion

Next retailers of clothes, home and lifestyle products will be

interested in expansion due to the huge success they are in the UK.

Therefore they believe that they have the ability to cater for a

larger market and will be able to establish themselves a recognised

business which is successful and profitable, interesting shareholders

to invest in their business which will help eliminate their


Due to Next being a successful business in the UK, they have the

ability financially and unity to successfully expand in the UK and

worldwide in to European countries.

Expansion will aid their business in becoming competitive, creating a

better corporate image and increasing sales which will lead to higher

profits. After all Next is an organisation which belongs to the

private sector.

Importance of Change

Although Next is a great success due to the way it is trading here in

the UK it will not have the same beneficial success in other countries

in the European Union. In order for Next to be as successful in France

and Germany like it is in the UK it is vital that the business

undergoes adequate changes. This is because the consumers at which

they are targeting their products and services are different in these

countries than the consumers in the UK. This is due to cultural

differences and the grouping of countries which I have explained in

E7+C3. Therefore it is vital that Next make adequate adaption to their

products and services as well as other areas such as staffing in order

for the expansion in Germany and France to be successful. This will be

achieved by creat...

... middle of paper ...

...of expanding in to France and Germany is their

high Gross Domestic Product measure. This conveys that the consumers

in these two countries will be financially able to shop regularly at

Next. Due to their good financial welfare consumers in France and

Germany will demand products and services of a high quality as they

can afford to pay for the increased costs. By producing high quality

products they will be satisfying consumers and abiding with the

quality and standard laws designed by the EU and imposed in France and

Germany. Therefore Next will maintain and enhance competitiveness

which will eliminate competitors leading to high sales, increased

profits and a successful business that has successfully managed to

adapt and utilise a synthesized strategical solution to operational

change improving Next's Corporate image.

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