Stop Gambling Persuasive Speech

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Stop Gambling Now!

Imagine being able to break free from the downward spiral of a gambling addiction. The lights, thrills and sounds of gambling create an adrenaline rush that is addictive for many people. This addiction can ruin your life by causing you to lie to your family, become self-destructive and lose your financial standing. If you have a life that revolves entirely around gambling, you can start making changes now.

Do you lie to your friends and family about where you are going?
Have you missed one or more bills because of your gambling addiction?
Are you tired of making excuses about where you go or what you do?
Has gambling gotten in the way of work? Do you call in sick so that you can continue gambling?

Gambling is like any …show more content…

Initially, it will work toward ending the compulsive thoughts that are fueling your addiction. Instead of wasting money when you need an emotional boost, you will want to do a new hobby, take a walk or play a new sport. As the emotional and psychological component of gambling ends, the cravings that are getting in the way of normal life will be removed.

During the Stop Gambling download, the root of your gambling addiction, the subconscious, is targeted. By focusing on your subconscious desire to gamble, you are able to remove the cravings and desires at their base. Your subconscious is essentially retrained to reject any thoughts about cravings or gambling. Instead, you see gambling as something bad. Whenever you think of gambling, you might imagine the loan sharks that you owe money to or the effect that it has on your loved ones.

In place of the negative emotions surrounding gambling, the hypnosis download gives you a boost of self-confidence to feel happier with yourself. Your gambling addiction may have started by a desire to win big, but the hypnosis download will retrain your mind to realize that you already are successful and happy. The negative thoughts in your subconscious that lead to gambling are gradually replaced by positive emotions and

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