Stop Censoring Music !

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Stop Censoring Music! Everyone has been in their care listening to a favorite song, but then words get censored out and take away from the experience of a good song. It is the year 2015 , we need to grow up and uncensor songs that people love . There are three explicit reasons why we should stop censoring music : it doesn’t encourage teen sex, society is affected, and it can be used as a helpful learning tool. It Doesn’t Encourage Teen Sex Some would argue that some songs can lead to sexual activity. However Bonnie Zylbergold did and interview with health educator Carla Stokes and she says that , “Not all hip-hop and rap songs are sexist and misogynist. There are songs with more positive messages that do not get the same amount of airplay …show more content…

In an article about censorship on music there are horrible things that have happened to people because of their music. “South Africa revoked singer Miriam Makeba's citizenship and right of return after her 1963 testimony about apartheid before the United Nations” (Polter). Tyrants have been threatened by the power music has had on our society as early as the 1500s. “Anabaptists fleeing severe persecution in the 1500s wrote and sang a prodigious number of hymns—despite the fact that to be heard might result in death...” (Polter) . We should not block out words of songs because some of us feel they are “inappropriate”. This is because since ancient times we as people have been fighting for the right to music. And now we must block out words to appeal to others opinion ? No, we can not let censorship win. It Can be Used as a Helpful Learning Tool Furthermore, it can be argued that all rap and some pop music is profanic and has no meaning, but this is not true. Since rap first made its debut in New York it has been used with poet lines and a powerful message. “...artists like LL Cool J and Public Enemy, who released the political entreaty, "Fight the Power," in 1989”says Mary Ellen Flannery Senior writer and editor at the National Education Association (Flannery). This song was a huge stand up against “the man” and empowered

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