Stockman's Decisions

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There was one decision that Dr. Thomas Stockmann made in the past that affected him in the present. That decision was finding out that the bathhouses were polluted. After Thomas got the results back from the lab, they showed an increase in pollutants in the water. This decision affected him negatively in society. Henrik Ibsen uniquely explains the difficulties that Dr. Stockmann faced throughout the play. Dr. Stockmann was betrayed by his brother, loses his medical career, and was perceived as an enemy toward the townspeople. Dr. Stockmann went through a lot to get his point across to the community. Dr. Stockmann’s discovery of the polluted water in the baths led to his brother betraying him. Peter admits that he does not want the public to …show more content…

Stockmann had eventually become an enemy toward the townspeople. His brother and friends betrayed him at the town hall meeting. Hovstad stated, “A man must be a public enemy to wish to ruin the whole community” (64). Dr. Stockmann tried to convince the community to believe him and not the others that betrayed him. “What does the distraction of a community matter, if it lives on lies” (64). Thomas pointed out that the community leaders had been lying the whole time. The community took the mayor’s side; the mayor convinced them that Thomas was causing nothing but harm to the community. A vote was conducted to see if Dr. Stockmann was a threat. Aslaksen collected the votes and said, “By the votes of every one here except a tipsy man, this meeting of citizens declares Dr. Thomas Stockmann to be an enemy of the people” (66). After Thomas was declared an enemy of the people, he started getting threats from the community. For example, “From the landlord. Notice to quit…” (68). The Stockmann’s landlord decided to revoke their lease and to try to run them out of town. People were also throwing rocks at the Stockmann’s windows. Also, Petra was dismissed from her teaching position at the local school. “Yes. I have been given notice of dismissal” (69). Dr. Stockmann was also dismissed from the bath’s committee. The community was following the orders of the mayor. The citizens are more of followers than leaders. For example, the landlord said he really didn’t want to revoke the

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