Stigmatized Aspects Of Aging Essay

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I feel that one of the most stigmatized aspects of aging includes the way our skin ages. A lot of people feel old when they start to notice wrinkles. I can't tell you how many commercials I've seen for the next amazing anti-aging cream. Their is an industry dedicated to making your skin appear younger; botox injections, creams, oils, supplements, all of these things are in business to make money by making people feel that they need to keep their skin looking younger. Granted, everybody does want to look younger and feel they way they felt years ago, but aging is also a beautiful experience that comes with years of happiness. I read a story once on Facebook about a wife that did an intimate photo shoot as an anniversary gift to her husband. She asked her …show more content…

When I was younger I spent days crying that I didn't score high enough, nights in hot baths soothing my sore muscles, hours of icing my body. I aged my body so far beyond its years... For a long time I was bitter with myself and my mom for my years as a gymnast, why would she let me do something so agonizing and why did I let myself feel so awful and beat down? But, now I look back with a heavy heart, it ended so quickly, and I wish I could go back. I am thankful for the hours that taught me dedication and to take pride in my accomplishments. I am grateful for the fact that I was able to learn mental resilience at such a young age, gymnastics is truly a head game. I gained a second family through my team from all the weekends spent on the road and the nights spent at the gym. I type this with tears in my eyes because I cannot explain it, I would never put my child in gymnastics but at the same time I was given so many gifts from the sport, it's a feeling I can't describe. I am grateful. Therefore I can be happy. I am happy... I was given an opportunity many children and humans can't have. It was a long and precious time of my

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