Stevenson's Representation of Good and Evil in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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Stevenson's Representation of Good and Evil in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde In this piece of coursework, I am asked to first of all, discuss how the novel is mainly concerned with the struggle between good and evil. Next, I will be moving on to discovering the historical, social, and cultural issues of the novel; this will discus what Stevenson's literary influences were. Subsequently, I will be exploring the actual evil character oh Mr. Edward Hyde; this will include a character description of Hyde. Then, I will be analysing the evil incidents that Hyde commits; how Stevenson actually describes these attacks. The symbols of evil will then follow; what the door and the fog essentially represent. And finally, I will be ending with a conclusion, which will state what Stevenson's view of evil was, and how this good and evil of Jekyll and Hyde reflect his view of Victorian England. The novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is based around Mr.Utterson's, a longtime friend, and lawyer of Dr.Jekyll, and his search for the truth and the connection between Jekyll and Hyde, ending in the realization that they are actually the same person. The novel centers around the idea that there is a struggle between people's good and evil sides, it merely depends on which you nurture more. There is also this idea that one side of you will flourish and the other will be stunted, leading to the idea that "man is not truly one, but truly two". The battle between Jekyll and Hyde can be seen as one between good and evil. Owing to the complex, dual personality of this character, who in today's standards would be similar to a s... ... middle of paper ... ...f Victorian society. Stevenson's story appears to be a subtle attack on the middle classes. He grew up in these and knows all about the concealment and deceit of the "profound duplicity" among society. Jekyll believes himself to be in high society, "endowed besides with excellent parts,…, with every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future". Apart from more similarities with Frankenstein, we can also see how Jekyll sees himself, and it is interesting that the doctor who already has a vast fortune chooses to gamble with his life, whereas the normal, less well endowed people, such as Poole, do everything to try and save him. Although, I do not believe that Stevenson is saying that the wealthy and rich are mad but that knowledge, money and dreams of fame and recognition can corrupt a good man, such as Jekyll.

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