Steve Jobs, Visicalc.: The Success Of The Apple Inc.

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While a market for the Apple I was clearly grown, Steve Jobs would again drive the Apple Inc. to develop a personal computer with an ease of use that was previously unknown to consumers. The introduction of the ‘Apple II’ refocused the self-assembly kit idea of the home computer to one of a commercially ready product. The Apple II brought along a wide availability of software for its’ operating system. Many programs were extensively adopted in numerous schools across the country and in resulted in the development of further educational software (Atkinson 87). Games as well as applications that could help file information, assist with tax returns, and draw important figures became available as well. The spreadsheet financial program ‘VisiCalc’ proved why Apple Inc. was a clear leader in computer companies. Although VisiCalc was not developed by Apple Inc., it was implemented into the Apple II …show more content…

“How to effectively lead an organization depends on many factors such as the organizational culture, the behavior of the followers, and the personal traits of the leader” (Toma and Marinescu 1). Leadership is a multidimensional concept essential in every sector of society. It can be described as the social interaction between a leader and his/her follower. Steve Jobs’ ability to lead had a direct effect on personal computing. A fundamental mantra of Steve’s leadership method was simplicity. Less was more, yet sometimes something so simple could be more difficult than something complex. Creating a product as a minimalist as possible was crucial to targeting the largest market and as a result Apple Inc. product designs merged function into form. It promoted the idea that technology could be used by more than just hobbyists or computer geeks. Promoting such an idea was essential to the early success of Apple in the world of technology as they catered to simplifying the lives of

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