Steve Jobs Tries To Say

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Steve Jobs in his Commencement speech, “You’ve got to find what you love,’ Jobs says,” argues that in order to find the true value of life you need to do what you really love and no what everyone else does. He supports his claim by first telling a story about connecting the dots backwards and not forwards in order for things to make sense, then he tells a story about living your life doing what you love, that way your life has more value, and finally he tells a third story about death, and why is important to live your life. Job’s purpose is to convince his audience that life can have a great value if they do what they love. Although some people may disagree with his ideas, he is right because if people live doing something that they do not like, their lives can be boring and they will not find a true value in their life.
Jobs talks about two extremely important points. One of those two points is about death and that no one is immortal. He gives the argument that knowing that life ends at some point, is something very helpful instead of something bad. He supports this idea by saying, “Because almost everything -- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure -- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.” What Jobs tries to say is …show more content…

Job’s second story is about doing what makes you happy. Sometimes people spend all their life doing things that they do not really like, but they feel like that is good because everyone does the same. Jobs advices, “And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” His objective is to encourage his audience to not do what everyone else does, that people may have a stable life, but that people would not be happy and will not find the true meaning or value of life. Also, he says, “...don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Be yourself, do what you love, that is what Jobs

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