Steve Carrel's Portrayal Of The American Dream In The Office

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Many people believe by working hard one can achieve their highest goals; obtaining wealth, property, living a healthy lifestyle. Most dream of driving fancy cars, living in mansions, or partying with beautiful women on their own yacht; this concept of materialistic values by working hard is known as the American Dream. The Office is a television show that often discusses this concept in their television series, while one episode in particular represents this ideology more than any other. Michael Scott, played by the hilarious and notoriously good actor, Steve Carrel, visits a third grade class of kids living in a poor socioeconomic area filled with many working class citizens, makes a legendary charitable promise to pay for their college education …show more content…

Michael’s portrayal of the American Dream is hilarious as he believed he would a million are by 30 but even though he has less money than he did at 30, he has not given it up. The Office pokes fun at those who still strongly believe in this conceited concept of a materialistic vision, not that if one works hard they will not achieve their dreams, but many are often too far fetched to be plausible unless the right opportunities reveal themselves. Which brings the viewer to the more sensitive subject of unfair school districting, and many working class families suffer from not being able to send their kids to get a proper education and create more opportunities. The students and parents in the episode had every right to be fed up with the way politicians treat their education, but by using Michael as a representation of somebody who fails to fulfill a promise of his own, and this creates an entertaining setting for the audience to laugh at his awkward pain. The focus is purposely on Michael, this is to shed light on the kids but to keep the laughter and comedic attention on his embarrassing shenanigan’s that viewers constantly see him in, and expect nothing less from

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