Stereotypes Of Society In A Bull Terrier Named Mackerel

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Stand-Alone Package (Good Copy) Ushabh Salaria
Theme in Mackerel

Stereotypes of Society in “A Bull Terrier Named Mackerel”

As a part of modern day society, we are led to believe [by the main-stream media] that Bull Terriers are a dangerous breed and we should stay away from them. Meanwhile, statistics show that Bull Terriers are like any other dog breed and the stereotype of danger is only a false rumour. This stereotype leads us to the theme in Roger Caras’s essay “A Bull Terrier named Mackerel.” Throughout his essay, Roger Caras uses metaphor and stereotypes to criticize society. By adopting images such as “We had been warned. There was even a padlock on his gate.” (Caras para.

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