Stereotypes In Media

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In modern age, media is a vast medium. It comes in numerous varieties, and everyone takes part in some form of media. This, although it may sound like a good thing, can lead to some negative effects. With media being everywhere and on everything, media is spread to tons of people, sometimes bearing representations of certain things that are untrue. One major example of this is how gender is portrayed in the media. Because of the media, stereotypes are spread, popularized, and in some cases, accepted. My point in writing this editorial is to show why this is such an issue, and how anyone, including you, can help stop it.

Now, you may be thinking. Why is it such a big problem? Surely people don’t just follow what they see on TV, or read online, …show more content…

For example, on TV; Men are typically shown to be masculine, strong, and leaders, while women are shown as weak, ditzy, or irrelevant. We know this to be true, but because of the popularity of the sources of these stereotypes, they’re widespread, and eventually, they end up being the norm. This is terrible, and it’s one of the main causes for gender roles. Things that are shown to be normal over multiple different forms of media ending up being accepted by the majority of society. This confines people to try and strive to be something they might not want to be, but force themselves (Or are forced by others) to be because it’s “normal.” Another big issue with the spreading of these stereotypes is who is affected by and subjected to it. ANYONE could see or be forced into gender stereotypes because of media. 96.7% of American families own a television, which is one of the main sources of media that spread this misinformation. In children's commercials, gender roles and stereotypes are snuck in, whether it be something obvious, or something small. For example, a commercial on sidewalk chalk, something that you’d assume to be

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