Stereotypes About People With Mental Illness

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Google defines a stigma as “a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person”. There is a stigma about people with mental illnesses. According to National Institutes of Health, stigmas make it even harder to conquer the illness. Not only do sufferers struggle with the symptoms and/or disabilities of that illness, now they have to deal with the stereotypes and prejudice that result from misconceptions about their mental illness; People with mental illness are robbed of the opportunities that define a quality life, such as good jobs, safe housing, satisfactory health care, and affiliation with diverse groups of people (Corrigan, and Watson). People with mental illnesses didn't ask for their illness; it is a matter …show more content…

This is false, as most people with mental illness never commit acts of violence and are more likely than others to be victims of violence. In fact, only 3% of people with mental illness are violent (Scattergood Foundation). Another stereotype is that people with mental illness deserve blame for their conditions, however, research has shown that life experiences, trauma, and biology are to blame for mental illness, not the person with the diagnosis (Scattergood Foundation). In fact, according to Mental Health America, 1 in 5 American adults has a mental illness; that amounts to over 40 million Americans. On top of that, mental health in youths is worsening; In 2012 the percentage of youths with mental illness was 5.9% and in 2015 was 8.2 (Mental Health America). One final stereotype is that people with mental illness have little hope for recovery. Research has shown that most people who receive treatment do improve, including those with serious conditions like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (Scattergood Foundation). Unfortunately, one of the reasons some people with diagnosable conditions do not seek treatment is because they believe this stereotype (Scattergood Foundation). More Americans have access to mental health services, however, most still lack access to care (Mental Health

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