Stephen King: The Only Way To Become A Good Writer

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I believe the statement “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.” By Stephen King means, if one wants to be a good write or have the essential tools to write, one must read. There is no way anyone can come up with good ideas or story lines to talk about if you have not read or researched about it. Reading is the most essential tool to become a good writer. Reading gives the writer advantage. The advantages that one can get from reading are, being exposed to different writing styles, substance and different perspectives to go about writing. A writer who does not have the time or does not like reading or is for an example like finding a composer who doesn’t listen to music. Writing needs reading such as a composer needs music. Reading stimulates your brain and allows you to have a better vocabulary, and opens your mind up to different perspective and forms of writing. Writing is journey and it’s something that is learned. The best way to learn how to write is by reading. …show more content…

There is no way one can be a good writer without adapting the essential tools of reading. Writing requires research and the only way to obtain the research is by reading. Reading also allows the writer to know their audience and to find out which audience the writer wants to address and attract, the writer must be able to research on the different types of readers and the research requires reading. Finding the correct audience allows the writer to accomplish success in their

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