Stephen Hawking And Jane's Meaning Of Life

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I believe that the meaning of life is to love and care for others despite their imperfections. It’s hard to imagine how God can love his children who are nothing but horrid, disgusting, and filthy. Everyone craves love, but even though, we chose not to give love. Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short in the glory of God.” I am sure that mostly everyone including myself has experienced the cold heartedness we possess when it comes to loving another person who is not perfect. Maybe it is your spouse who you are having a troublesome time loving, perhaps your own mother, a co-worker, your best friend or even your neighbor. The reason why it is hard for us to love imperfect people is because we ourselves are imperfect. Although some …show more content…

Would you be able to marry, love, and take care of someone who has a disability which will separate the line between your and your disabled spouse with a normal couple? Jane an British Lady who studied in Cambridge decided to stay with Stephen Hawkings despite of his neuro disability. A neuro disability:………. He was not able to be a normal husband as every wife ought to have, instead the relationship was more towards child and mother. Jane had to care for everything Stephen did. From eating, to changing, to brushing his teeth. This is the soft heartedness we are supposed to have. The love of Jane was able to brighten up Stephen Hawkings life and enabled him to light up the world with his smartness through the life which can from love Jane. Others may claim that Jane did not actually love Stephen, but that doesn’t matter as long as Stephen Hawkings believe that they were in love and that Jane stayed with him through unconditional love. Stephen Hawking was able to find the meaning of life through Jane’s love that ignored his …show more content…

In the book What I wish I knew when I was 20 it says how we should look at problems rather as an opportunity than a problem. Loving imperfect people is a problem we all face and that we all ought to conquer, and that must start from the views we have upon them. Instead of looking at the challenge as a problem, we must face them as oppurtunities. In Mark It also states the greateast commandments. Love the lord your God as yourself and love your neighbors, that is the greatest commandment. It is impossible to perfectly love an imperfect person all the time, but it starts from effort, wisdom and the love from God. The meaning of life is to care and love others despite their imperfection. “You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're

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