Stay Skiing Persuasive Essay

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Without a gym membership, most people feel lost when it comes to staying in shape as winter approaches. Although skiing and ice hockey are great sports, they can be costly and require a lot of training, traveling and of course, careful planning.

That being said, for most people, the transition from summer to fall and fall to winter isn’t easy. You might find yourself craving those warm summer nights and the idea of seeing temperatures below your age is without a doubt, a frightening experience. The West Coast typically doesn’t have to worry about the cold nights spent by the fireplace or transitioning from bathing suit to beanies or sunglasses to snow goggles.

For those, however, who experience the climate change and all that comes with …show more content…

Keep Your Eye on the Goal: A fit and healthy body don’t just happen overnight. The majority of people see the colder weather as an excuse to cover up in heavy clothing and hibernate in the comfort of their home. Wearing oversized jackets and scarves that cover every inch of your body can be tricky because it’s necessary to stay warm, but it doesn’t serve as a motivation tool. Wearing fitted clothes, however, will keep you remembering why you worked out so hard during the spring to attain a rocking summer body.

Before it starts snowing, focus on all the effort you put in beforehand and remind yourself how good you felt when you were exercising. It won’t help increase your energy level, but you’ll sleep better for the time being, which is always a big plus. Look forward to the warmer months, and imagine yourself going to pool parties, or going on a beach vacation and creating stunning GoPro surf videos for all your family and friends to watch. Constantly staying shape and working up a sweat will take the pressure off of losing the winter …show more content…

It’s no surprise that colder weather brings on runny noses and winter coughs. Keep yourself moving, put the right foods in your body and make sure you continue your healthy lifestyle to prevent your body contracting any unwanted bacteria. No one wants to spend a time of giving and receiving stuck in bed, so burn those calories, even if they keep you frozen.

Switch Up Your Routine: If you’re a person who loves to exercise outdoors, use the weather change as a time to try something new and change up your routine. Map out a new routine at the start of each season and find different ways to stay in shape. This part shouldn’t be too hard since there are thousands of ways to stay active nevertheless, preparing for winter by purchasing a package at a yoga studio or local gym is never a bad idea.

If you’re used to exercising after work or in the evening, try to make adjustments and workout in the morning. Towards the end of the day, you’re more likely to opt out of exercising if you’re tired and stuck in traffic due to bad weather. Exercising in the morning gets your daily workout out of the way so you can relax at

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