What Are The Similarities Between Anthem And Station Eleven

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Literary Analysis
Anthem and Station Eleven are both dystopian novels. Both books relate to the citizen having little to no freedom with the government that is controlling them. Anthem was written by Ayn Rand, she wrote about how the government in this area controls what each person is destined to be whether you like it or not. Whereas in Station Eleven the world has practically ended due to a deadly flu virus and, somehow, ended up with a man as many know as the Prophet attempting to rule the word. Both dystopian novels have a very unfair dictatorship type government. How do you think life would change if there was no structure of government?
In the book Anthem, the people in this community are brought up to be single minded and to fulfill …show more content…

John Mandel, is a very similar to Anthem in odd ways. Station Eleven is a book about how a terrible illness erupted called the Georgia Flu, this flu whipped out nearly the entire world. Since the whole world is not functioning like it used to, this means no electricity, no cars, no pure water the characters in the story are starting from scratch. “I stood overlooking my damaged home and tried to forget the sweetness of life on Earth,” (Mandel 34.) They now had to face the fact that life will most likely never going to be the same again. “The more you remember the more you lost,” (Mandel 60.) They way that many of the surviving citizens thought so they wouldn't think of the life they had lost. “No more internet. No more social media, no more scrolling through litanies or dreams and nervous hope and photographs or lunches, cries for help and expressions of contentment and relationship status updates with heart icons whole or broken, plans to meet up later, please, complaints, desires, pictures of babies dressed as bears or pepper last for Halloween, no more reading and commenting on the lives of others and in so doing, feeling slightly less alone in the room. No more avatars.” Page 34. In the generation today many could never imagine life before internet or social media. They couldn't even imagine not having a phone in your hand 24 hours a day. Obviously nobody wants to see the word come to an end, but it seems like that is the only way anyone would put down their phone

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