Startup Success Essay

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Another strategy for start-ups to follow during recessionary environment is a “Lean start-up” strategy (Singh et al., 2009). Many start-ups do not manage to survive because they spend a lot of money and time trying to produce products that customers might not need or like and therefore will mathematically drive the company out of business. This is what professor of HBS, Eisenman (Nobel, 2012). Ries, 2011, said; “startup success is not a consequence of good genes or being in the right place at the right time. Startup success can be engineered by following the right process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught”. The methodology on start-up businesses is all about avoiding waste in terms of money and time. A good example is through the Toyota Production System (Dennis 2002).
Six sigma (quality control standard), was developed by Motorola in 1986. It is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement and it is a strategy that entrepreneurs can use, either in recession or not, in order to have a successful business. It is a methodology for eliminating defects in any process (Linderman, 2003). In the business world, organizations have to compete between each other and by achieving lower rates of defects it is a way to achieve a competitive advantage. Six sigma, helps to increase customer satisfaction and build loyalties. By achieving customer satisfaction, it ensures a flow of cash even when there is a cyclical downturn in industry (Kwak and Anbari, 2006).
Another important factor that is essential for a company to succeed is to control inventory efficiency in order to avoid any extra costs, such as holding costs and to also decrease the amount of defects in goods. Companies can control the inventory by...

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... on why firms choose to respond in this way, or if price maintenance is recommended through efficient measures.
For the start ups, more recent studies claim that a recession is normally an opportunity and not a threat, if handled correctly (Williamson and Zeng, 2009). The recent world-wide recession is characterized by its nature globally and the risks that companies in rising markets are taking are becoming more powerful than expected. However, research shows that businesses are not doing very well. Williamson and Zeng (2009) stated that a key strategy that businesses might adopt to avoid this, is to focus on developing what rising markets know how to do well by offering value for money. They also suggest that companies should invest in research that is aimed at service and product innovation to offer similar products or services, but at lower expense and costs.

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