Star Wars: The Force Awakens

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Not unsurprisingly, it has now been confirmed that Chewbacca will play a major role in Phil Lord and Chris Miller's upcoming "Han Solo" stand alone film which is due for release May 2018.

Speaking at the Deutsche Bank 2016 Media, Internet & Telecom Conference (via The Wrap), Disney CEO Bob Iger spoke about the timeframe of the upcoming "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" and touched upon Chewie's appearance in the subsequent spin-off feature:

"Rogue One … is about a band of rebels plotting to steal the plans to the Death Star. It takes place right before George Lucas's first film, which came out in 1977 and is now called 'A New Hope.' We have others in the works, including one, which is an origin story about Han Solo and Chewy, and that'll come …show more content…

Doing promotion for "10 Cloverfield Lane" which he produced, 'Force Awakens' director J.J. Abrams was asked about the scene by Slashfilm and responded saying the blocking of the shot that included Chewbacca wasn't quite right:

"That was probably one of the mistakes I made in that. My thinking at the time was that Chewbacca, despite the pain he was feeling, was focused on trying to save Finn and getting him taken care of.

So I tried to have Chewbacca go off with him and focus on Rey, and then have Rey find Leia and Leia find Rey. The idea being that both of them being strong with the Force and never having met, would know about each other — that Leia would have been told about her beyond what we saw onscreen and Rey of course would have learned about Leia. And that reunion would be a meeting and a reunion all in one, and a sort of commiseration of their mutual loss.

Had Chewbacca not been where he was, you probably wouldn't have thought of it. But because he was right there, passed by Leia, it felt almost like a slight, which was definitely not the

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