Staples What Adolescents Miss When They Grow Up In Cyberspace

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Staples’ article
Staples’ Article “What Adolescents miss when we let them grow up in cyberspace” explains how children are constantly living their lives through cyberspace such as email, chatroom, and instant messages, causing them to “miss” essential real-life social development skills when they grow up in “cyberspace” that would be vital to them when they enter adulthood. There are many examples, however the three most significant examples that support this idea is: Research is supporting that continuous use of cyberspace is isolating young socially connected people;Staples uses Prof.Robert Kraut a researcher at Carnegie Mellon university idea that people let real-world relationship get replaced by the ones made in cyberspace; and Staples’ …show more content…

Staples’ personal experience when he was at his girlfriend's house and was judged her father describes why real life face to face interaction skills are important to teens. In Staples’ article, he mentions, “This was the first sustained encounter with an adult outside of my family who needed to be convinced of my worth as a person...this is a crucial part of growing up”(20). This example describes a time before the internet where Staples had to have an unavoidable face to face confrontation with someone. This example that Staples is important because it offers a personal real-life experience of why real-life interaction is important that is deeper than just research. This indicates why it is important for teens to meet their girl/boyfriends parents because meeting them is a big step in the relationship that shows that the person is serious. If you would avoid the parents by just having the relationship over virtual reality it will end up being empty and emotionless. When a teen meets the parents they have to persuade them of their character yet, if the teen does not have social skills they cannot persuade the

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