Stanley Yelnata Quotes

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In the first couple of chapters you are introduced to Stanley Yelnata and the camp for boys. This is not a typical camp, this is a camp for bad boys. The court determined that the boys would go to this camp instead of going to jail. The boys were made to dig holes in the hot sun. Stanley was offered to go to jail or camp. He chose to go to camp, he had never been to camp and thought it would be fun. He was in for a big surprise. Off to Camp Green Lake Stanley went. Stanley arrived at the camp after traveling eight hours, as he exited the bus the drive asked him to “be safe”. He did not know what he meant, but he exited. He first noticed there was no lake at the camp, he was confused about the name “Camp Green Lake” with no lake. …show more content…

He was told if you found anything they were to tell the Warden to make sure it was nothing of value. Stanley became friends with X-Ray and told him that he would let him keep anything he found instead of telling Warden.
“X-Ray looked at the tube, then rubbed his dirty glasses on his dirty shirt and looked at the tube again. One by one, the other boys dropped their shovels and came to look” (p. 62).
The boys looked and looked and determined it was a gun. Stanley suggested that the boys not say anything until the next morning that way while it was investigated the boys would not have to dig. This would give them more time to not dig in the sun. After this happened there were other holes that proved to have other valuable articles. Stanley finds it funny that the boys were told they are digging holes to build character but understands that they are digging to find valuables. Stanley also finds out that where they are digging is the “Green Lake” dried out. The Warden is looking for treasures that were discarded in the lake. Come to find out Stanley is living with a family curse and is all brought to light by him going to the camp. The boys could not only get the Warden arrested, but in the mist, they found a suitcase that when opened, found his families buried

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