Standard Dictation Essay

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Its definition could be found in The longman dictionary of English teaching and applied linguistics (Richards & Schmidt, 2010). it is described as the “degree of skill with which a person can use a language, such as how well a person can read, write, speak, or understand language. This can be contrasted with language achievement, which describes language ability as a result of learning. Proficiency may be measured through the use of a proficiency test.” In this study, the English listening proficient is measured through the scores in English listening test.
Empirical Studies on standard dictation at home and abroad
A great deal of research on standard dictation have been carried out in the past several decades across the world. These research …show more content…

these studies will be presented in this order.
Wang (2003) analyzed the scores in tem 4 standard dictation and elaborated the reasons of the collapse on short-term memory and its relations with dictation skills. Furthermore, he took it one step further and talked about the implications to elementary-stage teaching in English majors.
Zhong and Qiu (2003) investigated the effect of familiarity of background knowledge on standerad dictation, based on background knowledge and schema theory. The result indicated that standard dictation had a high requirement on background knowledge. The familiarity of background knowledge had a direct influence on the standard dictation. in other words, the more you were familiar with the background knowledge, the more correct ratio you would achieve because you were most likely to stimulate and activate your schema in you mind, vice …show more content…

They pointed out some problems in the scoring system. First, it overlooked the importance of textural meaning, although they emphasized the accuracy on discrete point and output. Additionally, it’s hardly valid despite its objectivity and reliability. Secondarily, this deduction scoring system could not predict students output in the test. Finally, it affected teaching negatively.
Zhang and Tan (2010) explored the relationship between the application of listening strategies and listening effects or profermance in standard dictation for English majors. The outcome showed that systemic, successful training on listening strategies would facilitate the improvement in listening performance.
Jin (2011) studied the common error made by 52 English major freshmen students in standard dictation practices. She found out that the common errors followed a pattern, that is, most of them involved English pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Hence, he proposed some strategies on standard dictation training for the purpose of strengthening students’ standard dictation ability as well as contributing to their performance on the standard dictation test in TEM 4 for English majors.

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